13:44:02paulapatienceUgh, I've shadowed labels for the a constructor function equivalent to ggplot2's labs, but Sly incorrigibly indents it as cl:labels, even when it is prefixed by the package name.
15:30:24jackdanielregexp based indent is a pita indeed
15:57:59paulapatienceI've considered renaming the function, but I cannot find an appealing name. TITLES is the best I've come up with, but then I have to think of something else for ggplot2's title and subtitle, and also a caption is not a title.
20:32:18paulapatienceI'm not a huge fan of ggplot's short names, especially in Lisp, but it might be worth reconsidering it
20:34:17paulapatienceI just spent several hours finetuning print-object so that the object hierarchy of a composed plot is easy to read, and also possibly readable
20:35:10paulapatienceI'm getting pretty good at using format directives