8:26:44ShinmeraAnd with it my two very quick lightning talks as well:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YzysuHNJ58&list=PLA66mD-6yK8wXG7ts9RJY5isNabRi8uCT&index=20https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W50fLiosi58&list=PLA66mD-6yK8wXG7ts9RJY5isNabRi8uCT&index=29&pp=iAQB
8:27:02Shinmeralord I hate how weechat just concats newlines together for me
8:32:08ShinmeraThat second one is the best lightning talk I ever gave, I almost missed my cue because I was chatting with another fellow outside the conference room and just barely walked in on time
8:35:16pranavIt's better to have a queue for shorter lightning talks to avoid that sort of thing. But I can imagine 5 minutes per speaker would be a bit much to wait for.
8:36:19ShinmeraGranted this is also the first time that ever happened
8:36:35ShinmeraI was busy hacking away on the Wayland backend for Framebuffers with that fellow