5:45:08scymtymjackdaniel: what do you mean by "also there is no foreseable timeline when it can potentially come into living"?
6:05:05beachscymtym: I think he means that we have not given any date by which Second Climacs will be usable.
6:11:28beachBut the way it was expressed made it sound quit harsh.
6:15:34scymtymbeach: i see. i was concerned about some fundamental obstacle that could block further development of second climacs (assuming "it" refers to second climacs)
6:16:42beachBut, yes, I also assumed "it" referred to Second Climacs.
6:23:34jackdanielbeach is right, I've meant - "I have ni idea hiw long will developing second climacs take, so discarding climacs /because/ you are working on the second version does not really connect to me