21:53:18wackiRead error between positions 13661 and 13815 in /Users/andreas/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/mcclim-20231021-git/Libraries/ESA/esa.lisp.
21:53:18wacki> Error: Reader error: No external symbol named "WITH-OUTPUT-TO-POINTER-DOCUMENTATION" in package #<Package "CLIM-EXTENSIONS"> .
21:53:19wacki> While executing: CCL::%PARSE-TOKEN, in process listener(1).
21:53:48wackiThis happens on clozure and sbcl on an x86 iMac.
7:31:26wackiBTW: I am deeply impressed by the fact that I can use clouseau with sbcl, ccl, and ecl on OpenIndiana. All compiles and runs without problems on a platform where it never has been tested before.
7:49:45jackdanielsolaris? yeah, never tested it there