1:53:34Bikeif you take only functions that have actually been called, it's 504,926 and 9490 respectively
1:56:44Bikemost called is #'cleavir-env::next, at twenty five million calls
2:03:25Bikeman, so if compiling it shaves a millisecond from each all, that's twenty five seconds... which sounds impressive until you remember how slow the compiler is
2:10:20Bikealthough most of those calls to NEXT are in fact in the compiler, so... hm.
2:29:26drmeisterBike: How can I figure out where the DynEnv's were defined?
2:36:28Bikethaaaaat's pretty tricky. they have basically no source information or indicators
2:37:03Bikeyou could look at the jmp_buf*, since that'll be in the frame, but that sucks
2:37:51Bikethis is why i mentioned compiler coordination earlier- as is there's very little, but if you want to keep doing this kind of debugging it'll make things a lot less painful
3:02:02drmeisterI see what's going on - we are unwinding over where we want to go.